The silver screen reviews return to start you off on the summer movie lineup, starting off with another movie for the superhero genre; but unlike most superhero films, this movie does not just deal with a superhero, but in fact a god. This is the next movie to come out Marvel Studios, none other than “Thor”. There is much riding on this movie, being not only the first movie of the summer, but the first superhero movie of the summer as well. Is it worth it or is it just another superhero movie? Brace yourself for the review of “Thor”.
Story: What is compelling about “Thor’s” plot is that this is not your average superhero origin story. “Thor” already knows who he is and what he is capable of. What does seemed to be familiar is the plot point is Thor realizing the error of his ways and becoming the hero he is supposed to be.Repetative as it may seem, the plot still works for the film’s format. As for the plot’s pacing, it was exceedingly well done as the flow of the movie was comfortable and well defined.
Character/Acting: My hat is off to both the writers and Chris Hemsworth; because together, they brought Thor to life. Everything about this character seemed real and true to the character of the comics. The film also features a strong supporting cast with the likes of Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins and Stellan Skarsgard. But the one character that truly stole the show was Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Loki has to be the best developed villain to come out of marvel studios, and that is no easy feat. I can go on forever about this impressive cast was, which goes to show what great development and terrific acting can obviously do for a cast.
Directing: I thought “Thor” would be a challenge for director Kenneth Branagh because it is part of a genre Branagh is not familiar with. But Branagh showed me that his film truly belonged with credit going to his definitive directing. What impressed me the most about Branagh’s directing was finding a way to entertain fans while making the film understandable for audiences who are not familiar with the comic.
Everything Else: There are many things that make film worthwhile. The action is great, the effects are impressive and the music is enjoyable. Yet out of everything that makes this film outstanding to see, I was most impress with the design and look to “Thor”. The look of the Asgard as well as the Asgardians was outstanding as it brought the essence of “Thor” to life.
Overall: What a movie to start off the summer. The plot is understandable, the acting is outstanding and Kenneth Branagh shows what it takes to make such as innovative superhero film. “Thor” may not just be one of the best films of the summer, but it may in fact be one of the best superheroes movies of all time. Hats are off to Thor with 4 ½ out 5 hats
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