Gather around readers, and let me tell you the story of the review of the movie “Rango”. This is the latest animated film from director Gore Verbinski. Not only is this film animated but this is an animated movie with talent such as Johnny Depp , and this is an animated movie that is not in 3D. For this fact alone, I just had to see this movie. So now the question remains is “Rango” worth seeing or is it just another animated movie? Saddle up readers, for this is the review of the movie known as “Rango”.
Story: At first I thought the plot was not going to be anything special, just another plot of a character coming into a new world and learning some kind of lesson at the end of the film. Essentially, that is what happens, but there seems to be so much more than just that. The plot is not only just a story about finding oneself, but it deals with other factors such as being a comedy of errors as well as being an adventure. The plot will be something you enjoy and something you may take with you after seeing it.
Characters/Acting: “Rango” is full of amazing characters as well as performances. First, there is none other than Rango voiced by none other than Johnny Depp. I am going throw in my two cents and say that this role was made for Johnny. The role of Rango is a Chameleon which seems fitting for Johnny Depp. As expected Depp’s performance was good, but it did not overshadow the rest of the cast. The cast for this movie was memorable as well as enjoyable which goes to show that it is important to have a great ensemble as well as having a great lead.
Directing: I got to give Gore Verbinski credit, “Rango” is a kind of film I would not have thought Gore would do; but at the end of the day, he does a very good job with this film. He was able to use different elements to create something unique and bring something new to the animated genre.
Everything Else: The animation for this film is phenomenal, not to mention the cinematography is innovating. Both the animation and cinematography gave this film a well defined realistic feel to it. “Rango” also can give tips to most comedies as the humor of the movie was clever in its delivery and it showed that this was not just for kids, but for adults as well.
Overall: I could on and on about how great “Rango” was which only proves that this is worth seeing. This is easily the most fun I have had at the movies this year. “Rango” is not only one of the best animated this year, but it could be one best animated movies in quite some time. I tip my hat to “Rango” as I give it 4 ½ out 5 hats.
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