Monday, November 28, 2011

Timdiana reviews The Muppets

For years, they have brought joy and humor to many. They have become classic characters and icons to not only children, but adults as well. I speak of course of none other than the one and only “Muppets”. After 12 years, the Muppets have finally returned to the silver screen in their latest film entitled “The Muppets”. Is it everything that  fans and audiences could hope for. It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to review “The Muppets” on Timdiana’s reviews tonight…or today…here is the review.

                The Story of “the Muppets” deals with of course of the Muppets as they must reunite in order to save the Muppet theatre.  The story was refreshing. It was an area that has not been seen in any other Muppet story: what would life be like for the Muppets after the Muppet Show was over.  The movie feature several sub plots such as the love story between Jason Segel and Amy Adams.  Sub plots like that were established, but there was a clear difference between the sub plots and the overall plot.  Nonetheless, “The Muppet’s”  plot, was entertaining and straight to the point.

                “The Muppets” feature an enormous cast of characters and cameos; but the film could not rely on just  the standard characters alone; it needed a new character to be a catalyst for newcomers. Enter Walter; the newest Muppet. His role is simple, get the Muppets back together as well finding himself. Having a character like that is a gamble, but it did work.   The performances from the human characters are just as enjoyable as the Muppets, creating a well rounded cast that does the franchise justice. If only other films could figure that out.

                There are two things the Muppets are known for, musical numbers and humor, and this film personifies in both. Full of silliness and breaking the fourth wall, the comedy had me laughing all the way through. The film could teach recent comedies a thing or two about humor. The musical numbers were memorable as well being very diverse from each other.  Both of these factors are played very strongly thought out the film as they defined what the Muppets were all about.

                Full of entertainment and nostalgia, “The Muppets” is a must see for anyone looking for fun time. It was everything I thought it would be, but the biggest surprise is that this film was undoubtedly one of the best films of the year.  My hat is off to the Muppets as after twelve years, they still got it.
4.5/5 hats

Timdiana reviews The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1

Every beginning has an end. This is something that is said for the most epic of finales. For the stories that have kept you interested for years finally reaching its conclusion This is not one of those stories. This is none other than the “global phenomenon” that is “Twilight”. For close to four years, “Twilight” has been the film series that has been one big conundrum after another. Now at long last, “The Twilight Saga” is coming to an end, and by end I mean the first part of the end.  Is “Breaking Dawn Part 1” redeemable or is “Twilight” just digging itself a deeper hole?  Find out in this review of the first part of the “epic” love story that is the “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1”.

                The story is about Bella and Edward finally getting married, going on their honeymoon which leads to unlikely pregnancy that causes a mass conflict between vampires and werewolves; and that’s about it.  The plot has absolutely no build up what so ever and  has enough padding to sink a boat so deep into the water that it actually is now stuck in the center of the earth.   It really is surprising how a story that is supposed to be important turns out to be as irrelevant as you could possibly make something.

                I suppose this is the part where I should talk about characters and acting; but what is there to really talk about?  The main characters are as boring and uninteresting as they have been in the first one. The only saving factor is the supporting cast, but even that is underplayed. Twilight has been keeping one dimensional character development strong since 2008.

                The film accomplishes two things: unnecessary montages and irrelevant pop songs.  I have never seen so many pop songs in one movie nor have I seen some of the worst montages ever to grace the silver screen. I wish to say there other things that stand out, but no, sadly not.

                Words can barely describe how frustratingly painful this film is. There are moments that could be considered tolerable; but at the end of the day, the story and characters bring any positives. The fact remains that even thought this is suppose to the first half of the finale; nothing is truly accomplished. If Diehard Twilight fans may enjoy it; however if you are not in that demographic, then try to avoid this film if all possible. We will reconvene this review in year with part 2.
1.5/5 Hats

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Timdiana reviews Immortals

Most time, I feel that movies and greek mythology just do not go together.  Sure, there have been hits such as “300”, but there are also been misses like “Clash of the Titans”.  Despite the hits and misses, Hollywood continues to keep this idea going. The latest comes from the mind of Tarsem Singh with his latest film; “Immortals”;  a film that looked to be something different with its visuals, and of course its gripping 3d.  Does this visually appealing movie stand a chance to break the mediocrity of Greek mythology films? Prepare to set forth in this review of “Immortals”.

                The story of the film is about the journey of Theseus, who must become the hero he was meant to be and stop King Hyperion before he can release the Titans and bring chaos to the world. The plot is fairly simple as it is a very classic story. However, this plot has been so many times, that seeing it in this movie makes it feel too generic. There really is not much that stands out in this story. You will most likely forget the plot as soon as the movie ends.

                I had no issues with the performances in the film, even with Stephen Dorff in the cast. Unfortunately, like story, the characters are generic and forgettable.  The only ones that stand out are Hyperion, played by Mickey Rourke, and the old man, played by John Hurt. Everyone else is epically bland.

                As much as I cannot stand 3D, seeing it in “Immortals”  in the third dimension was actually 
tolerable. It did not feel like a gimmick and it did create some interesting dimensions.  However, factors likes this cannot make a movie, and although the visuals are impressive, it is dragged down the staleness of the film.

                “Immortals” is ok, but just ok. Asides from the visuals and performances from Mickey Rourke and John Hurt, nothing stands out in this film. It is not painful experience, but it is one that leaves no impression. You will not miss anything if you skip “Immortals”.
3/5 hats.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Timdiana reviews Puss in Boots

        This is a tale of destiny. A tale of a supporting character making his way into the spot light. A Tale that is apparently a back story. A tale…well this is not really a tale, more like a review. This is the review of “Puss in Boots”.
So if you are still wondering, the plot of Puss in Boots is a prequel telling the back story of everyone favorite feline. However this story is not without its flaws. The pacing of the story moves rather quickly which creates a very unsatisfying flow. The plot also suffers too much predictability. There is nothing shocking about the story as it pretty much what expect to. So if you are expecting a simple story, then this is the movie for you.
                Antonio Banderas returns as Puss in Boots, and his performance is what you expect. The cast is decent, but there is a shockingly performance in this; and that is Zach Galifianakis as Humpty Dumpty. The character was definitive, interesting and was not too predictable. To top it off, Zach Galifianakis finally got to do something that was not Allen from “the Hangover”.   Overall, it was a surprising cast because it was not overloaded with stars, and it was refreshing to see.

                “Shrek” was known for its witting humor; so it would be expecting to see the same in this film. Surprisingly, the humor was just ok. There were some alright lines here and there, but there is nothing really to talk about.  Thought the laughs were not memorable, the movie did make up for in other elements such as having creative dance sequences.  That is something I guess.

                Perhaps the tale of “Puss in Boots” is not as glamorous as other stories such as “How to Train Your Dragon”; however it is entertaining nonetheless. The film takes it characters seriously and ot does entertain. It is pretty much what you expect from movie about “Puss in Boots”.
3.5 out 5 hats

Timdiana the Reviews: The Twilight Saga New Moon

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Silver Screen Review:Paranormal Activity 3


Happy Halloween everyone; and being the Halloween Season, it is once again time for another annual horror flick;  however instead of it being another “Saw” addition, a new set of movies has taken its place; a movie that will undoubtedly be sticking around for a while longer. I speak of course about “Paranormal Activity” with its third installment “Paranormal Activity 3”. The third film has broken box office records by having one the best opening nights a horror film has seen in quite some time.

                Before I jump into this review, let me just make one thing perfectly clear: I do not like this serious. I compliment the movies for their practical effects, but that is about it. Everything I have seen in these movies are not worthy of praise. So going into this film, I was a bit skeptical. So does this film deserve the praise it is receiving, or is it just another footage found film. Find out in this review of “Paranormal Activity 3”.

Once again, the film’s plot is another prequel to help explain and understand what happened in the first film, or just make more plot holes, at this rate, it is pretty much a shot in the dark.  The film story takes place in the 1980’s where and shows the early lives of Katie and Kristi, the two girls haunted by the supernatural being throughout the course of the film.  That might seem terrifying, unfortunately, it is nothing new. The plot follows the same structure as the previous two; and at the story goes on, it just leaves me in a state of confusion.

The movie follows four characters: the two girls, their mother and her boyfriend who mysteriously looks like Michah from the first film. As characters, they do nothing for me as the development has been playing the same song for years now and it is not interesting. However, when it comes to performances, I did not mind the two little girls. Sure, I did not care for their characters, but I will give them credit for their performances because I did believe them. Everyone, on the other hand, are just bland uninteresting.

I have no directing notes as every directorial decision has been the same since the previous two. It is like they just a have book for the basic to follow when making “Paranormal Activity”.

When it comes to the scares of the films, there are things I liked and there are things I disliked. I  enjoyed the practical effects of the film. Some of the things they did were actually impressive and looked believable. However the same thing cannot be said about the scares.  The problem is that scares take so long to get to their executions that it feels like seeing Sir Lancelot running towards the castle in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”; and to make matter worse, this happens all time in the moviw. It comes to the point where the scares of “Paranormal Activity 3” are just not scary.

What can I say? The movie has its moments; unfortunately the scares are only startling and the plot is predictable as well as being full of plot holes. The movie left me disappointed as well as confused; to put it simply, it is “Paranormal Activity”.  2 out 5 hats